Editor’s Note: This Page Is Under Construction!!
Here is a list of issues on our radar that are of interest to Chevy Chase DC:
- Friends of Chevy Chase Circle traffic and lighting improvements
- Future use of the Episcopal Center for Children at 5901 Utah Ave. NW
- A Call-Box Restoration project idea proposed in early 2020 by ANC Chairman Jerry Malitz and Ch/Art’s Beth Cartland (see the Ch/Art website here https://www.chevychaseart.org/artists)
- DC Mayor Murial Bowser’s plan to increase affordable housing in the District by increasing zoning in areas such as Chevy Chase DC’s commercial strip along Connecticut Avenue NW
- WMATA’s long-planned renovation of the bus turnaround terminal near Chevy Chase Circle
- The latest raze applications filed with the DC Office of Planning in our area: